Month: August 2023

Winter sports

This week was the last week of winter sports each week for the last 8 weeks we had sports each person had a chose football netball or capture the flag or even gardening so if you don´t like sports you can do gardening.

I chose football/ soccer the soccer teams this winter was very successful our team won every game but two at the end the last game our team came number one with the most wins.

Out of my team i had the most goals i scored about 31 goals but if i did not have the team we were i don´t know how mean goals i would have but not many because my team helps me if i miss and lets my try over and over.

Each game was really fun and very exciting even if some of my teams gets hurt they keep playing one game the goalkeeper got kicked in the face and kicked in the leg and keeped playing.

Do you like to do sportsif not why?

CCC School production

Hello my name is Tyson and yesterday we when to the CCC production if you do no know what CCC stands for it stands for Catholic cathedral collage. The school production was called the school of rock there was a person called Mr Schneebly  but his real name was Dowie he was the main character and he was very funny. He must practice his lines every day because the play went for 4 hours and he was in every seen. This was the best production I have every been to but it as the longest production as well. It was cool going to CCC because I am going to that school when I am a year nine.

My blog safety poster

Hello my name is Tyson and this week i have been working on a poster for cyber safety. I made this poster with my friend it was so fun me and my friend made it funny but it still had things you can learn. This was the most fun activity this week i wish i can to it again but i cant. This is the poster i hope you like it do you like doing posters and what was you favourite poster.


Yesterday some Canterbury players came to NBC school so people can ask questions and take some photos nearly every class in my school went and asked questions. For some of the people that came  it was visiting the school again barbecue some of the players went to NBC when they were two of the players went to NBC when they were young. The best part was when i got to know what teams then all played for one of the players called Billy Harmon he went to NBC and so did Sars Flood. Do you play Rugby and if you do play Rugby how did you get into playing Rugby.  And how old  were you when  started playing.