Year: 2023

SLJ art

today I have working on a art piece I have to use different gradients i chose a couple different greens blues and some yellows the art took me around 15 minutes it was very very fun and i like making art online and it makes it very easy if you do it on your drive this is my art pice do you like and colours if not why do you like art this is my art.


doge ball

this week room 1 has been playing doge ball how each player we have to 5 different test things like dogeing the ball catching the ball and see how far I can  throw the ball  the the school have a brick ball and has five circles in each other 5 4 3 2 0 points and that is how my teacher made the teams. I like my team I have some good people in my team and my team is called DA BEST and DA BEST is in the final at first go I chose a good name then. And I made a t-shirt for my team and this is it do you like it if not why what would you doge ball team be called

my Christmas decoration

These two weeks i have been working on a Christmas decoration when my teacher said that I knew what I was going to do i did a warriors logo with Christmas on the top by on the top I mean the word Christmas on the top the word was in two colours red and green  and and in the warriors logo it said UP DA WAHS all i needed was cardboard paper and pens and strings to hang it up if you had the chance to make a Christmas decoration what would you do? and why would you make that?

super cat SLJ

today I made a super villain it very fun and I chose to use craiyon and i chose to use a cat with a gun he goes around and ram raids stores and then go get Micky Ds at 12pm  then he started shooting at the middle of the earth and made the earthquakes in Canterbury in 2011 and then the cat walked up mount Everest to hide for 12 years  and now we dont know where the car is.


do you like cat? if you did this what could you be hero or villain



first aid

On Thursday saint johns came to  every class room 1 was the first witch is my class we learnt what D R S A B   D is for danger R is for response S is for sent for help and B is for breathing some the saint john person chose me to lay down dead and they showed how to flip the person on to there side so if they vomit they will not choke. After she showed us how to do it every one got into a pare my friend got into a pare with the teacher and could turn the teacher to its side very easy.  what would you like to learn if you had to do this?

Beach Ed

Last Thursday rooms 1,2 and 7 went  to the beach to go learn and learned about the dangers of the beach and the fun things about the beach. After we learned about what the lifeguards use if they see someone in danger if they are far away they use a IRB   I mean inflatable R mean rescue B mean boat at the end of the day everybody got to go into the water some people got to use boggy boards i diffident but that means I was aloud to go to the end where the adults were. All my friends came with me and we had so much fun!

what i think is copyright

Today I have been leaning about what copyright and I have completed the poster about copyright copyright is when someone takes your work without giving you permission to download or copy it like downloading a video and then re uploading this is my poster what do you know about copyright did I leave anything out?


My creative sentence

This week my class have been writing complex sentence we had three words to chose from  I chose shimmed  there was shimmed swayed and  jivied this is my sentence do you like my sentence and what would you have changed?


I was playing basketball then I shot a three and I shimmied. Then after the game I got swayed by the wind. And i got sideswiped by khorvez and took my money and I feel of the road.In to the gutter  

Alice and Putterland

This Wednesday our class went to Alice and Putter land as a reward. When our class went to Alice and putterland it was a very nice sunny hot day. When we arrived at Alice and putterland each team got a card to score the points at the end I won a against all the people in my team and also got onto the leader board untill my friend came and destroyed me. And that was the best school day ever.  And when we left we all got lollies here are some photos.


These couple of weeks I have been learning to use different ways to solve different problems. this is the way I found the easy lets say 19+86

first you want to go and put the 19 at the top then a line under the 19 then the 86 then take the one from the 6 that makes it 5 then one away from the 8 then add it to the 1. Then you have the answer is 105  this is the photo.