
Hello to day our school got Duffy books and a couple weeks ago we all chose books and I chose I need a new bum and also slacker I just want to say thank you so so much for the books Avonhead rotary I think It is very very good that they give out books cause its good for every body’s learning this is my photo.

Do you like reading and why?


for the last week our class has been working on making a light light up  using random stuff on a gun and this time i used wire battery’s and a  coin and a light this is my work.

Characters describing

For the week our class has been working on describing made up character this is my writing and the photo I write about.


I was walking down  a dark alleyway i heard cat meowing then I saw him a ski mask on a cat he had short  brown black and white frizzy hair.With long white whiskers then I  ran away.before he got his opps on me and get jumped then there 

Was gunshotsn this cat was stronger than a gigichad I got shot and I died never go down a dark alleyways  the end.


selfy day

We have been researching holidays and special celebrations. We found out today was national selfie day so our class took heaps of selfie so here is some of the selfies so here did you know that there was a national selfie day.



the crazy man

yesterday I was working on making a describing story on a photo and I did a crazy crazy man this is the photo and my story

I was walking down my street then I saw Nixon he was crazy. It looks like he’s had too much energy drinks hair super frizzy like he’s going to get struck my lighting glasses sives five times bigger than his eyes he was not bigfoot but big mouth.i ran away from him the end.

Samoa hero

For the last two days our class have been working on Samoan hero I chose a rugby player named Pita Jordan Ahki he is a really good rugby player and have you ever done a Samoan work before if not why.this is the video of best plays

The talking sheep

For the last two day our class have been working on putting speech bubbles and making them have a colonisation I I had a lot of fun making this I have made a couple like this last time it was making vacuums talk this one was a lot more fun and this might be my favourite writing  have you every done some thing like this. This  is a photo of mine do you like my comic what do you think I could of done better.

the bible

this week our class has been learning more about the Bible how many books are in the BIble and its 46 which was one of the things that I learnt. The most important thing I learnt was that the Bible was written over 1500 years ago and so that surprised me  also. The thing that interested me the most was how many books are in a book Bible this is my work